Saturday, February 23, 2008

Still Waiting

I am alive and well! We are still waiting for our license to be approved. Our file has been approved by two of the three departments that need to approve it. It was sent into the state for final approval on Jan 28. My SW said they have 30 days to respond. My best guess is that we will hear something next week. She is good about keeping me in the loop. Her latest response was the she "heard" the guy who approves file is backed up.

I took a break from blogging. Waiting is sooo hard. Feb 4th we attended foster care support group at the end of the meeting the organizer announced that as of 4:30 that afternoon placement still needed homes for a 15 year old girl, 10 and 7 year old sibling set, and a healthy one year old boy. On Monday a 6 year old local boy was beaten to death by his stepfather after DCF had investigated the family three times. It's just heart breaking to be ready and willing to help and continue to count days.

I just hold onto the idea that it will all come together soon and do my best to continue on with everyday life. I've been working on tightening up the grocery budget, meal planning, and laundry schedules. I continue to nest and enjoy my girls. I will be sure to post the minute I get the call from what I hear we can expect a placement within minute of receiving our license.


Unknown said...

How's the mini van (0:
The waiting is always the worst. Sad to hear about the child that died. There are so many variables to life...

liveurlife said...

I LOVE the mini van. I hope it lasts for another 100,000 miles. As for the boy he will always inspire me to be open about the great need for more foster parents in our area.